Using Essential Oils With These Natural Sleeping Tips Helps You Fall Into a Deep Sleep at Night
By Julia L Wright

Getting the proper amount of deep and restful sleep at night is an essential element for healing the body or mind and maintaining optimum health.

Many factors in our modern day society can keep one from getting a good night's sleep (stress) or cause one to want to sleep a day away (depression). Here is one of my Natural Sleeping Tips that can help bring peace to the soul, refresh a weary body and mind, thus allowing you to be productive and enjoy your time awake.

It is critical to allow your body the time it needs to wind down and relax so that you can be rejuvenated, but you don't want to sleep too much or you will feel lethargic the next day. Not everyone needs eight hours of sleep, some need more, and some need less.

The most common problem is not getting enough sleep because we don't fall asleep easily when we lay down in bed. Sleeplessness if fed by anxiety and pain, feels like a burning desert with no oasis. We often find it difficult to kick the worries of the day out of our head or focus on where our body aches.

Mindful breathing coupled with using Essential Oils aromatherapy is one of many Natural Sleeping Tips you can use to aid you to fall into a deep and restful sleep naturally without resorting to conventional sleep aids.

The process of Mindful Breathing is a form of meditation that is also a great way to get more oxygen into your blood and tissues and helping your body relax and your mind to be refreshed.

The next time you find yourself having difficulty falling asleep, start by paying attention to how you are breathing. Are you breathing deeply and slowly, or shallowly?

If you aren't breathing deeply, begin to take slow, deep inhalations and then slowly exhale completely. Breath in through your nose, feel your chest expand and fill your lungs completely. Exhale through your mouth, letting all the air out. Repeat, watching your breath, feel yourself relax more and more with each exhale.

By paying attention to your breath, you are will find it easier to relieve stress from your mind and relax your body and ready yourself for a restful, deep sleep.

To make this Natural Sleeping Tip more effective, you can diffuse a variety of Essential Oils in your bedroom to enhance relaxation.

There are many Essential Oils and oil blends that can be diffused to help relax your mind and body that will aid you to fall into a deep sleep. Try diffusing Lavender, Valerian, Orange, Tangerine, Rosewood or Ylang Ylang. They all have some similar properties, but you may find one works better than another for you.

Another one of my natural sleeping tips involves filling a small spray bottle with distilled water and adding about 10 drops of your favorite essential Oil. Lavender is one of the most popular scents to use.

If you awake in the middle of the night, try spraying this in the room to fill the air with this calming scent to quickly bring your mind back to a peaceful place.

Different scents are associated with pleasant memories and can help relax your mind and ready it to fall into a deep and natural sleep. The scent of roses or lavender often brings many pleasant memories to people and reminds the times they were walking through a beautiful garden with friends or as a child.

The last of my natural sleeping tips I will share here involves using Sandalwood Essential Oil.

Many people meditate before going to sleep. If you are having a difficult time focusing your mind or are unable to meditate, try diffusing Sandalwood oil.

Sandalwood is traditionally used as incense in religious ceremonies and for meditation. Diffusing it allows you experience its warm and woody aroma without inhaling the smoky air created by burning incense. Rub a drop on the back of your head where your spine connects to the brain and/or on your third eye area on your forehead. Sandalwood oil can help you focus by uplifting your mood, balancing your emotions and relaxing your mind, allowing you to easily fall asleep.

Julia L. Wright lives in a small Colorado mountain town that is filled with holistic healers and artists. I am an artist who creates feathery masks and jewelry creations. For over 25 years I have coordinated an arts and crafts festival in Manitou Springs for the Commonwheel Artists Co-op that I have been a member of for most of its 36 years.

I was introduced to Essential Oils over 15 years ago when recovering from a bad car accident and minor concussion and have used them for many purposes from healing to natural cleaning.

I would like to share with you some of the many success stories from my personal experience and other friends' healing journeys that demonstrate how Essential Oils have worked to help us to regain or maintain optimum health. To learn more about Essential Oils and how they can aid in naturally keeping you and our planet healthy visit my website at: [] to view a Free Video describing how Essential Oils aid in falling asleep naturally and can help you maintain or regain optimum health.

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